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 1. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 11: In an aeroplane over the sea   
 2. Joe Kissell  Synesthesia  Interesting Thing of the Day 
 3. Jason Way  Synesthesia  The Guestroom 
 4. Jason Way  Synesthesia  The Guestroom 
 5. Jason Way  Synesthesia  The Guestroom 
 6. Jason Way  Synesthesia  The Guestroom 
 7. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 30: A movin'   
 8. Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 43: War, what is it good for   
 9. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 23: Hot Friday   
 10. Terminal Quintet Seoul - Andrew Garton, Jin Sangtae, Ryu Hankil, Choi Soohwan, Hong Solme  SYNESTHESIA URBANIA   
 11. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 7: Getting old ain't for sissies   
 12. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 4: Opening Up   
 13. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 24: All (non) talkin'   
 14. Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 46: Time goes on like a tram   
 15. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 12: Nostalgic Daydreaming   
 16. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 15: Heatwave Silence   
 17. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 27: Apocalypse and Escapism   
 18. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 25: When the night falls   
 19. The Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 16: The benefits of Oral Sex   
 20. Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 41 - My underwear are too short   
 21. Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 44: Words are nothing but a bunch of letters   
 22. Bath Lizard  Synesthesia 45: Laid back and feeling human   
 23. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Aeroplane  One Hot Minute  
 24. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Aeroplane     
 25. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Aeroplane  One Hot Minute   
 26. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Aeroplane  One Hot Minute  
 27. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Aeroplane  One Hot Minute   
 28. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Aeroplane  Blood, Sex, Sugar, Magik   
 29. RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS  09 : Aeroplane  960515 Sydney 
 30. The Chairs  In the Aeroplane Over the Sea  November EP  
   1 2 3    »
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